About Us


The Corpus Christi Parish in Clifton is a Catholic Christian Church is in the care of the Fathers and Brothers of The Sacred Heart of Jesus (Betharram) religious order and is located within The Blessed Miriam of Jesus Crucified Region of care as shown on  this map


Website Link is  http://www.betharram.net/en/

“The Sacred Heart is a symbol of the Christian faith especially dear to ordinary people as to mystics and theologians, because it expresses the good news of love in a symbol and authentic way, encapsulating the  mystery of Incarnation and Redemption”. (Benedict XVI)

The Corpus Christi Parish in Clifton is part of The Catholic Diocese of Nottingham.


Website Link is https://www.dioceseofnottingham.uk/

The Corpus Christi Parish in Clifton is part of the world wide Catholic Church as represented by The Holy See: The Pope who is the Bishop of the city of Rome and the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church based in the Vatican city which is a sovereign state within the city of Rome in Italy.


Website Link is http://www.vatican.va

Parish Ministries and Activities

The people are the church.
Corpus Christi can only continue to flourish if its parishioners we actively
involved in maintaining, developing and increasing the many ministries
and activities that are associated with the parish.
Most groups below would welcome additional help and volunteers so
please consider if you could offer your time and skills to one of these
many areas to help our community grow.
If you would like more information about any of these groups, please
contact the named person, email the parish at
secretaryccolsp@gmail.com or speak to any member of the
Pastoral Council.

Altar Servers
This ministry is open to all who have made their First Holy Communion.
Servers make a three-fold promise to serve with reverence. regularity
and understanding. They also need to make a commitment to serve
regularly at weekend Masses and also other Masses when possible and
attend training days.
Mass servers are eligible for membership of the Guild of St Stephen,
showing that they are dedicated to the highest standards of serving. After
demonstrating for a period of time that they can undertake the various
duties required, they are enrolled into the Guild and presented with a
bronze medal.
Contact: Fr. Pitak Bithu SCJ
Email: parishpriestccolsp@gmail.com

Baptism Courses
Baptism courses are held 3 times a year in February, June and October
and consists of a Saturday Morning meeting.
The aim of the course is to explain and discuss with parents / guardians
the full meaning of this important sacrament and the promises that they
will make on behalf of the child.
Please complete a form available at the back of church if you wish to
attend the next available course.
Contact: Catherine Daly
Email: secretaryccolsp@gmail.com

Bell Ringing

We have six bells hung for church bell ringing.  This is a team exercise
as usually there is one ringer to each bell.  The bell ringers ring to call
people to church services or for important events. Bell Ringing practise
is usually on Thursday evening.

If you would like to learn to ring or know more about what is involved,
please contact Austin Bryan, the Ringing Master.

Contact: Austin Bryan
Email: bellsatcliftonnotts@gmail.com

The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) is an
international aid agency working to alleviate poverty and suffering in
developing countries. It is funded by the Catholic community in England
and Wales. the UK government and the general public by donations.
CAFOD’s aims include promoting long-term development: responding to
emergencies; raising public awareness of the causes of poverty:
speaking out on behalf of poor communities and promoting social justice
in witness to Christian faith and gospel values.

Catechists (see also Baptisms. ChiIdrens Liturgy. Confirmation, First
Holy Communions and RCM)
Catechists are lay-people in the parish who assist the priest in teaching
our faith to others. There are a number of Catechists in Corpus Christi
supporting the ministries shown in this booklet.
More people are always required so please talk to the Priest or other
catechists if you would like to know how to get involved.
Contact: See individual ministries

Catenians Association
This is an international brotherhood of practising Catholic laymen who
meet socially in local branches, known as Circles. Members refer to each
other as ‘brother’. This reflects the strength of the mutual support they
give to each other and their families, which is based on the shared
values of their Catholic belief and practice.

Email: parishpriestccolsp@gmail.com

Children’s Liturgy
Children’s Liturgy currently takes place during the 11:00 AM Mass on the first
Sunday of each month. It is aimed at children aged 4 – 8 years. Younger
children may attend if accompanied by an adult.
This is the Liturgy of the Word for Children and explores the Gospel of
the day at a level that children can understand and enpy. We add to this
discussion, prayers. songs and activities and raise awareness of Gods

love, the humanity of Jesus, the Seasons of the Church, the
understanding of symbols in the Mass and the context of the Bible.
Our aim is to make the children’s experience of church meaningful, whilst
helping them to grow in the faith of the Catholic Church. We encourage
them to develop as full and active members of our Parish Community.
We would like the Children’s Liturgy to run every week but need more
volunteers to help us achieve this aim. Please consider becoming a
leader or an assistant.

Contact: TBA
Email: TBA

If you enjoy singing, please consider joining our church choir that sings at
the 11:00 a.m. Mass every Sunday and 6pm Saturday Mass. You would be made very welcome.
The music and choir are there to enhance the liturgy whilst supporting
and leading the congregation.

If you are interested in playing an instrument or singing at the Saturday Vigil Mass, please contact Austin Bryan

If you are interested in knowing more about the choir on Sunday morning, please contact our organist,
Valerie Blair.

Email: For Saturday Vigil Mass, Austin Bryan: austinbryan1@gmail.com

Church Cleaning
We have a large church that needs regular cleaning and maintenance.
More volunteers are always needed to increase the number of people
who can offer their time to clean our church once a month and on special
Most times can be accommodated – some people like to come during the
day during school hours, others in the evening after work.
We also need people to move benches, to clean the glass in the door
panels, windows at the back of the church and in the Lady Chapel.

Contact: TBA
Email: TBA

Our confirmation programme is held approximately every 2 years.
People in school year 8 and over are invited to apply at the relevant
time. The programme Includes themes for discussion (e.g. my parish,
the Credo) and a day visit to the Briars where young people can
partake in deeper exploration of their faith.
Contact: TBA
Email: TBA

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
A number of parishioners are involved in this vital work. They assist the
priest at Masses giving Holy Communion and the Precious Blood to the
faithful and also take Holy Communion to the sick and housebound.
Email: parishpriestccolsp@gmail.com

First Holy Communion
This sacrament is offered to baptised Catholic children in year 4 and
above and workshops are arranged from October to June to help the
children understand this sacrament and its importance. The Children’s
Liturgy, (held once a month during the Sunday Mass), also provides
spiritual guidance for First Communion candidates.
We also provide meetings for parents so they have an understanding of
the course work and can therefore encourage and support their child.
Contact: TBA
Email: TBA

Flowers: St Theresa of the Little Flower Group: 
Flowers form an important part of making God’s house beautiful. More
volunteers to arrange the flowers would mean that a weekly rota could be
Contact: TBA
Email: TBA

Gift Aid
The Gift Aid scheme is a government incentive whereby charities can
reclaim tax on donations given by individuals.
Parishioners can join this scheme for the parish by completing a simple
form – they need to be tax payers and the donations have to be recorded
(usually via standing order or from the weekly offertory envelopes).
This allows the parish to reclaim tax on the donations and there Is no
additional cost or paperwork to the parishioner.
For every £10 donated. the parish can reclaim a further £2.50 meaning
that Corpus Christi actually receives £12.50 in total.

Contact: Catherine Daly
Email: secretaryccolsp@gmail.com

Golden Hours (Senior Citizen’s Group)
This is a club for the senior citizens of the parish that meets every
Monday from 1.15 p.m. – 3.15 p.m. in the Club Room and offers
companionship and friendship.
There are also day trips and guest speakers throughout the year. New
members are always welcome.

Contact: TBA
Email: TBA

Hospital Visits
(please also see sick and housebound panshioners)
If someone you know is in hospital and they would like a visit from the
hospital chaplain please contact:

Parish Priest(0115)9212964
QMC 0115)9249924 ext 63799
City (0115)9691169 ext 56187
Or ask the ward staff to contact the Department of Spiritual and
Pastoral Care.

Knights of St Columba (KSC)
The KSC is a Family Organisation. dedicated to The Holy Family. It is
firmly committed to the protection of human life, from conception to
natural death and to the preservation and defence of the family.
From the Orders earliest days it has focused on the family unit by
supporting family life through the provision of fraternal benefits,
communicating with our young people and social participation.
The Order of the Knights of St Columba originated in Glasgow over 90
years ago and there are approximately 250 Councils (Groups) now
attached to Parishes nationwide • including 1 at Corpus Christi where
there is a small but dedicated group of men.
Any male person over 16 years and a practicing Catholic may join the

There are often small maintenance jobs required around the church and
we would like to hear from anyone that can offer skills in DIY etc.
Contact: TBA
Email: TBA

Parish Fayres
These are held each year in June and November in the Blessed Robert
Widmerpool School hall. The fayres bring together the parish and local
communities whilst raising funds (or the church.
New ideas and helpers are always welcome.

Contact: TBA
Email: TBA

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
The RCIA is a weekly course held at the Presbytery on Thursday
evenings for non-catholic individuals who are interested in learning more
about the Catholic faith.
The course runs from September to Easter and offers advice and
information about our faith through talks and discussions so that people
can make an informed decision about Catholicism.
Although we hope people will want to become part of our community
after attending the course, there is no commitment to do so.
Contact: Fr. Wilfred Pereppadan SCJ
Email: parishpriestccolsp@gmail.com

We have a rota for both Saturday and Sunday Masses for people to read
the 2 readings and Bidding Prayers. Currently the commitment is to read
every 6 – 8 weeks.
It would be nice for more people to volunteer especially from the younger
members of the parish community.
Training, including using the microphone, is available if required.
Contact: TBA
Email: TBA

Sick and Housebound Parishioners
(please also see Hospital Visits).
Please ensure that the Parish Priest is aware of any parishioner who is
unable to attend Mass.
Holy Communion can be received from the Priest or Eucharistic Minister.

Contact: Fr. Wilfred Pereppadan SCJ
Email: parishpriestccolsp@gmail.com

Social Committee
A group of parishioners arrange our social events throughout the year
including days out, retreats and parish dinners,
More people to help plan and organise events as well as receiving new
event suggestions are always welcome.

Contact: TBA
Email: TBA

Weekly Offerings
(please also see Gift Aid).
The collections taken at Weekend Masses are the main source of
income to maintain the practical side of the parish (bills, repairs,
insurance etc.).
Donations may be given through the weekly offertory envelopes or by
standing order. Both are available from Catherine Daly, the Parish Secretary.

Contact: Catherine Daly
Email: secretaryccolsp@gmail.com

Welcoming Group
The first opportunity to show that we are a welcoming parish is at the
door of the church. Regular parishioners are pleased to see a familiar
face and visitors appreciate a friendly greeting and guidance.
This is an important ministerial role and more volunteers are required for
both weekend Masses – why not offer to assist as a family?

Contact: TBA
Email: TBA


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